For many of us in pharmacy and allied health professions we always set our intentions on helping people, usually as a result of a kind, caring or selfless act we observed from someone in the profession.


That intention got you into school. Now that you are in school, you are faced with courses and activities that leave you with little or no time to consider your next steps. 


Next thing you know, it’s your third year and you are staring at huge decisions.


Should I go for

Should I go for a fellowship?  

What is my
ideal job? 

Do I just head out into
the job market?

What do I need to know
to find that ideal job?

And you realize,
“I don’t think I am fully prepared for this.”

If you have ever pondered over any of these questions,
then this is the community for you!

Join our intentional leader community for under-mentored female students and early career pharmacists today and let us be your guide as you find your true north. Our flagship Lead by Design Program is now enrolling and is open only to the first 25 qualified applicants.


We are here to help you focus on the key skills needed for success whether as a student or as an early career professional.

Some of the aspects you will work through in the curriculum, you may have heard being referred to as soft skills that are not typically taught in a traditional academic curriculum.

As leaders, we do not think there is anything soft about these skills as they tend to be some of the hardest to learn and practice, hence the intentional in our name. We believe in being intentional about acquiring critical life skills required for the new world of work.

We also believe in using them intentionally to  be a valuable leader in your community